Justice Minister – My place is and will be in Georgian Dream regardless my standpoint
Justice Minister – My place is and will be in Georgian Dream regardless my standpoint

“Even if my standpoint is not shared, I see myself in the only team, Kakulias’ team, this is my husband and my child,” Tea Tsulukiani, Justice Minister thus answered the question about her place in a new political team.

Justice Minister added that regardless of her viewpoints, her place is and will be in Georgian Dream, and she will always be a voter of Georgian Dream Party. Tsulukiani did not name the issue around which there is a disagreement in the ruling party.

On March 11, Justice Minister Tea Tsulukiani did not rule out quitting the post. She told journalists there was an issue which had to be resolved within the scope of her Ministry. Tsulukiani said that if value contradictions occur on this issue “she will step aside”

“There is a discussion on this issue, and I have my own firm position, which does not concern any reform, process or procedure that is now taking place in parliament. This is an issue that, in my opinion, is very important. And if I see that this position is not shared, and there is a contradiction between the values, of course, I will step aside without any doubts,” Tsulukiani said.

Gia Volski, Vice Speaker of the Georgian Parliament said that the issue which Tea Tsulukiani, Justice Minister is talking about is presumably linked to disjointing of Penitentiary Service from the Ministry.