Jens Stoltenber - NATO to discuss possibilities of closer cooperation with Georgia
Jens Stoltenber - NATO to discuss possibilities of closer cooperation with Georgia

The issue of supporting countries which aspire to join NATO will be discussed at the ministerial – NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated about it at a press conference in Brussels.

The Secretary General said that foreign ministers would discuss the issue on Wednesday.

“The Ministerial meeting will conclude with a discussion on NATO’s Open Door policy and how best to support those countries which aspire to join our community of shared security and shared values” – Jens Stoltenberg  said.

The Secretary General also commented on NATO-Georgia Commission meeting scheduled to be held on Wednesday.

“The Alliance will hold a meeting of the NATO-Georgia Commission, giving ministers the opportunity to exchange views with one of the Alliance’s closest partners, the Secretary General said – including on “areas where we could cooperate even more closely, such as Black Sea security”.