Italian Ambassador optimistic about Georgia's fulfillment of EU recommendations
Italian Ambassador optimistic about Georgia's fulfillment of EU recommendations

Massimiliano D’Antuono, Italian Ambassador to Georgia, said he is optimistic that Georgia will fulfill the EU recommendations.

According to the Ambassador, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze’s recent visit to Brussels was very positive.

“Georgia gained this important step to be a candidate country for being a member of the European Union. There are 9 steps not to be implemented to start negotiations for accession. As you know the Prime Minister was in Brussels last week and the visit of the PM, together with the delegation was very positive in terms of explaining to the European Union the important initiatives for getting closer and implementing these steps. I am very optimistic that this will happen and whenever I speak to members of the government, I see that there is a very important determination in obtaining this result,” he said.

At the event Georgia and Italy Together for Better Food Production, the Italian Ambassador also remarked about the upcoming parliamentary elections.

“This is a process that has to be done by Georgia and Georgians. The process of organizing the elections is going on very well. I am sure that there will be a lot of attention from the European Union, its member states, international stakeholders, and also from the OSCE/ODIHR, which will send an election observer mission.

For the first time, these elections will be with electronic machines which is a very advanced way to hold the elections and I am sure that the organization of these elections will give the opportunity to the Georgian people to participate, to express democratically their vote and whatever is the result, the international community, the European Union and Italy are ready to work and cooperate with whoever is elected,” he said.