Israel's Knesset Speaker awards descendants of Sergo Metreveli
Israel's Knesset Speaker awards descendants of Sergo Metreveli

The Davit Baazov Museum of the History of Georgian-Jewish Relations hosted a ceremony in honor of Sergo Metreveli, often referred to as the Georgian Schindler. Amir Ohana, the Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, presented certificates of honor to Sergo Metreveli’s descendants during the ceremony.

Sergo Metreveli risked his own life to save Jewish lives during World War II. In Israel, the Yad Vashem commission and museum awarded him the title of Righteous Among the Nations.

Amir Ohana expressed gratitude to Sergo Metreveli and his family for their actions during the Holocaust. He highlighted the importance of remembering those who showed humanity and saved Jewish lives during the darkest times. Ohana also praised Georgia for its respect and support for Jewish communities.

The official visit of Amir Ohana to Georgia began with this ceremony. During his visit, Ohana will hold meetings with various representatives of the Georgian legislative and executive authorities, including Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili, Foreign Minister Ilia Darchiashvili, and Supreme Court Chair Nino Kadagidze. On September 5, he will be welcomed by Georgian lawmakers during a plenary session of Georgia’s Parliament.