Giorgi Kvirikashvili: State takes care that Georgian diaspora to retain its native language and national identity
Giorgi Kvirikashvili:  State takes care that Georgian diaspora to retain its native language and national identity

Yesterday, the importance of Georgia’s European, democratic traditions and value ​​throughout the world was ones again demonstrated, – Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili said at the Forum dedicated to Diaspora Day – “Strong Diaspora for United Georgia”. The forum has been opened today.

“I once again congratulate you on the yesterday’s day. Especially I welcome the descendants of founders of the first democratic republic here. It is a great honor for us and we are very glad that we celebrated this very important date – the 100th anniversary of the First Democratic Republic of Georgia.

I would like to recall one interesting statement, when Georgia achieved a visa -liberalization with the EU, we, together with Georgian students, traveled visa-free to Athens and then, to Brussels. We have had a reception in Brussels, in our embassy. At this reception Dimitris Avramopoulos, European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, said if there was not Soviet occupation, Georgia would certainly be among the founding fathers of the EU.” This statement is really important. Yesterday, the importance of Georgia’s European, democratic traditions and value ​​throughout the world was ones again demonstrated. We should talk more about this. I think this is very important for Georgia,” –  PM Kvirikashvili said.

According to him, the state takes care that the Georgian diaspora to retain its native language and national identity.

Georgian Diaspora Forum “Strong Diaspora for United Georgia” is being held in Tbilisi. Forum is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the First Democratic Republic of Georgia.