German Ambassador: Georgia should satisfy standards to join EU 
German Ambassador: Georgia should satisfy standards to join EU 

“Georgia applied for EU membership and received the candidate country status. Georgia can join the UE but should satisfy standards,” said Peter Fischer, German Ambassador to Georgia.

According to the German Ambassador, it is up to Georgia and its government how it will act regarding the transparency law, however, in his assessment, with the proposed bill, opening negotiations and EU accession would be difficult.

“Today we celebrate Europe Day. Europe is a union of 27 sovereign states. They are united under a special union. Our motto is unity and diversity. We demonstrate diversity here. This is an open, free space but we are united as well. We are united with the spirit of peace. We wish for democracy and the supremacy of law, good, happy development of society. 

Georgians are happy. Georgians love the European Union. We love Georgia. Georgia applied for EU membership and received the candidate country status. This is in your Constitution. Georgia can join the EU but should satisfy standards for accession. This is what we consider for Georgia and I think, we can reach it. Everybody knows what should be done for EU membership. You should meet the standards. This is a short formula. 

The law does not meet the standards. It is up to Georgia and its government how it will act regarding the transparency law. However, with the proposed bill, opening negotiations and EU accession will be difficult,” he said.