Georgian Reconciliation Minister hosts Moldovan Deputy PM for Reintegration
Georgian Reconciliation Minister hosts Moldovan Deputy PM for Reintegration

Georgian State Minister of Reconciliation and Civil Equality, Tea Akhvlediani, on Monday, hosted Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration, Oleg Serebrian.

At the meeting, the parties highlighted their willingness to enhance collaboration between the Georgian State Ministry and the Moldovan Bureau of Reintegration, the Reconciliation Ministry’s press office noted.

Akhvlediani briefed Serebrian of the key upshots of Georgia’s reconciliation and engagement policy and reviewed the current problems. The duo also discussed the regional challenges stemming from Russia’s war in Ukraine and their impact on regional security.

“We talked about the efforts made by our governments to reconcile with the occupied regions of Georgia, and the region outside the control of Moldova. We exchanged our experiences, visions, and agreed on specific ways of our close cooperation,”  Akhvlediani asserted.

In his remark, Serebrian stressed the need to “coordinate somehow our actions in the reintegration of our countries and also the integration process of our countries into the EU.”

“Its a very turbulent period around the Black Sea because of the unprovoked aggression of Russian Federation in Ukraine and geopolitical landscape around the Black Sea changed a lot. So, also, the policy of settlement of these conflicts both in Moldova and Georgia changed. I hope this is the start of a new period of our bilateral cooperation in the reintegration process of our countries,” he underscored.