GD MP calls on everyone to do their best to avoid military hostilities in Ukraine
GD MP calls on everyone to do their best to avoid military hostilities in Ukraine

“The world, Ukraine and the Ukrainian people least need war and the escalation of relations. My call to everyone will be to do the best to avoid military hostilities,” said Mikheil Sarjveladze, MP of the ruling Georgian Dream (GD) party.

According to Sarjveladze, the situation is critical. Georgia is involved in Ukrainian issues together with the civilized international community.

“We have problems with Russia related to territorial integrity and aggression by the Russian state. Consequently, there are some similarities between us and the Ukrainian state with regard to the desire and ambition to integrate into Euro-Atlantic structures. In analyzing such threats, it is doubly important for us to confront this conflict,” Mikheil Sarjveladze said.