EU Ambassador: We want to open accession negotiations but for this, we need to resolve issue of Transparency Law
EU Ambassador: We want to open accession negotiations but for this, we need to resolve issue of Transparency Law

Ambassador of the European Union to Georgia, Paweł Herczyński, on Thursday, expressed concerns “due to the latest developments that actually make things unnecessarily complicated.”

The Ambassador stated that  the ‘draft law on the transparency of foreign influence not consistent with European norms and European values.”

This year, a celebration of Europe Day in Tbilisi is of particular importance because, for the first time, we will do it with Georgia being formally a candidate country for EU membership. So, I am really happy, I am really proud that we celebrate this day but at the same time, I am really concerned, especially due to the latest developments that actually make things unnecessarily complicated.

There is still time to move on as you all know we sincerely want Georgia to succeed and to move on to the next stage of EU integration, to open accession negotiations. This has already happened with Ukraine and Moldova, so, we need to catch up, we need to do it very quickly, and we will be working very closely with the government in order to make it happen, and we sincerely hope that this will happen but for this, we need to resolve the issue of the ‘draft law on the transparency of foreign influence’ as has been said repeatedly by all European leaders, this draft law is not consistent with European norms and European values and we sincerely hope that there is still time to use all possible procedures in order not to make it a law.

At the same time, six months have passed since the publication of the enragement report, nine steps were given to Georgia in order to move on, to fulfill; we really need an acceleration on implementation of nine steps. time is running out, there are still several months till the publication of the next report but we really need not to be distracted but to focus on necessary reforms,” Paweł Herczyński asserted,