British UN ambassador: Russia has a history of flouting international law in Crimea, Eastern Ukraine and Georgia
British UN ambassador: Russia has a history of flouting international law in Crimea, Eastern Ukraine and Georgia

Russia has a history of flouting international law, most egregiously in Crimea, Eastern Ukraine and Georgia, – British UN ambassador Jonathan Allen claimed. According to him, Russia shows disregard for civilian life.

“We all remember flight MH17 shot down by Russian proxies, supplied with Russian weapons.

And Russia has shown in its repeated protection of Asad’s chemical weapons use that it has different standards when it comes to the use of these terrible substances.

We have not jumped to conclusions. We have carried out a thorough, careful investigation, which continues. We are asking the OPCW to independently verify the nerve agent used. We have offered Russia the chance to explain. But Russia has refused.

We have therefore concluded that the Russian state was involved and we have taken certain measures in response. In taking these measures we have been clear that we have no disagreement with the people of Russia who have been responsible for so many great achievements throughout history. It is the reckless acts of their Government which we oppose”, – Jonathan Allen said.