Agriculture Minister anticipates GEL 350 million revenue from 2024 vintage
Agriculture Minister anticipates GEL 350 million revenue from 2024 vintage

Otar Shamugia, Georgian Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture, attended the inauguration of the 2024 vintage coordination headquarters in Telavi, a city in the eastern Kakheti region.

The Minister identified the development of the wine industry as a priority and emphasized the positive outcomes resulting from government support and collaboration between public and private sectors.

Shamugia highlighted the year-on-year increase in vintage revenues.

“While 10-12 years ago, the annual income of our winegrowers in Kakheti was GEL 50 million, this year we expect to make at least GEL 350 million. This is the result of our effective policies. Without demand for wine, there would be no corresponding price for grapes. Therefore, we assist companies, grape growers, and the industry as a whole, from production through to realization phases,” he stated.

The Minister also announced that approximately 20,000 grape growers and 500 companies would benefit from state subsidies this year.

The government will subsidy no less than 1 GEL per kilogram to all companies that purchase and process at least 100 tons of Rkatsiteli grapes during the 2024 Vintage.

For companies in the Kakheti region, the subsidy amounts to GEL 0.20 per 1 kg of Rkatsiteli grapes.

The vintage coordination headquarters in Telavi and the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture’s hotline (1501) will operate around the clock.