71 local and 30 international organizations will monitor elections
71 local and 30 international organizations will monitor elections

71 local and 30 international organizations will monitor the local self-governance elections in Georgia  to be held on October 21. 

The voters will elect 2 058 members of city councils and 64 mayors tomorrow.

According to the Central Election Commission, 22 political parties, five election blocs, and one initiative group are registered for the local elections, and 200 initiative groups are registered by District Election Commissions (DEC).

369 mayoral candidates are registered, including 13 in Tbilisi for upcoming elections. A number of registered majoritarian candidates amounts to 4 727.  According to party lists, a number of candidates running for Sakrebulo membership stand as 12 902.

According to the Central Election Commission, 3,644 polling stations are fully ready (including 10 election precincts created in exceptional cases) to conduct elections.