Philippe Michel Kleisbauer – Georgia is Heart of Europe
Philippe Michel Kleisbauer – Georgia is Heart of Europe

Although I am a member of NATO-Ukraine Committee, Georgia is no less important for me because Georgia is the heart of Europe, the country, which wants to become a member of NATO and the European Union and is doing its best to reach the target – said Philippe Michel Kleisbauer, a member of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly from France.

“For me, the border of Europe is Georgia, Georgia’s neighborhood and Ukraine. Therefore, in my committee, I am trying to explain to my colleagues the problems that are in your region, in Ossetia and Abkhazia, eastern Ukraine, in Donbas, and why it is important to stand with you. This is a matter of security in Europe,” Kleisbauer said.

The 65th Plenary Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) is underway in London.
The Georgian delegation is taking part in the sitting of NATO PA’s Political Committee, which is discussing one of the resolutions about Georgia.
The NATO PA consists of 266 delegates from the 29 NATO member countries and delegates from 12 associate countries. NATO PA serves as the consultative interparliamentary organization for the North Atlantic Alliance.