Dialogue in Jean Monnet Dialogue format should take place but be agreed, Majority MP says
Dialogue in Jean Monnet Dialogue format should take place but be agreed, Majority MP says

Irakli Kadagishvili, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Procedural Issues and Rules, said that the visit of the MEPs, which was supposed to take place on January 21-22, has not been agreed with the Parliament Speaker.

As Kadagishvili told reporters, the statement that the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament “could not find the time” was not constructive. According to him, the format of the meeting should be agreed in a completely different mode and level.

“This dialogue should take place between the President of the European Parliament and the Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia. The format and framework of this dialogue also implies some confidentiality before the directions of the formats and framework of this dialogue are agreed between the Speakers of Parliament.

At the same time, the agenda and the delegations should be agreed upon. There was a relevant letter and explanation from our side, and there is understanding from the other side as well. This dialogue should not serve to deepen the polarization, but to reduce it and to start a dialogue between the political parties in the Parliament and to ensure a regime of cooperation,” Kadagishvili said.

The statement comes a day after MEPs Viola von Cramon-Taubadel, Miriam Lexmann and Marina Kaljurand issued a statement on a revoked their visit to Georgia.