Tag: World

Armenia reports 196 new COVID-19 cases, 3 deaths
Global COVID-19 cases surpass 21 million
Ukraine reports new record daily high of 1,847 coronavirus cases
Alexander Lukashenko: I am still alive and not abroad
EU Members protest US interference in Nord Stream 2 construction
Israel puts Georgia on list of 'green countries'
Belarus releasing all detained protesters
George Soros says Trump is a 'temporary phenomenon'
Azerbaijani ambassador to Serbia detained on suspicion of embezzling state funds
EU ambassadors to Belarus lay flowers at the site where protester died
Armenia reports 229 new cases of COVID-19
Russia reports 5 097 new COVID-19 cases
Azerbaijan reports 93 new COVID-19 cases, 2 deaths
Aleksandr Lukashenko - Backbone of these so-called protests are people with criminal past and currently unemployed people
Slovakia to expel 3 Russian diplomats; the expulsion is related to Zelimkhan Khangoshvili's murder
President of Azerbaijan - TAP project is nearing completion
Russia reports 4 945 new COVID-19 cases
Armenia reports 166 new cases of COVID-19, 541 recoveries
Belarus opposition leader Tikhanovskaya 'safe' in Lithuania
US State Department – Presidential election in Belarus was not free and fair