Tag: Economics

Farmers and entrepreneurs will get vouchers for internet access
Reserves of National Bank are at the highest rate
EBRD to allocate 28 million Euro for rehabilitation of Enguri hydro electric power plant
Over 7.5 million tourists visited Georgia in 2017
Inflation rate reached 6,7% in 2017
Construction of Anaklia Port starts - What we should know about the project
The Times: Tbilisi to lead way for growth
NBG warns population about virtual currencies
USD Official Rate agains GEL for December 16 - 2.5405
Mercedes Vera Martin - We see positive as well as negative risks in Georgian economy
Tender on Abastumani Observatory rehabilitation announced
USD Official Rate agains GEL for December 15 - 2.5597
Parliament to have approved 2018 state budget by end of today
New tax to be introduced starting 2018
Finance Minister says that taxation pressure should be minimal on education sector
72% of money allocated to Infrastructure Ministry to be used on road infrastructure
Refinancing rate increased up to 7, 25%
Will tariff for consumption of electricity increase?
Giorgi Kvirikashvili - old and progress are combined at Orbeliani Square
IMF indicates the reduction of dollarization in Georgia