Polling process in By-elections/Extraordinary Mayoral Elections is over
The polling process in the By-elections/Extraordinary Mayoral Elections has been ended. All election precincts were closed at 20:00 according to the legislation. Vote counting will begin soon.
According to the Central Election Commission (CEC), elections have been held in 410 polling stations. A total of 402 091 voters were registered for the polls.
Today, Extraordinary Mayoral Elections have been held in Marneuli, Zestaponi, Chiatura, Zugdidi and Khulo municipalities.
In parallel, Sakrebulo By-elections were conducted at local majoritarian election districts of Sagarejo, Akhmeta, Adigeni, Zestaponi, Chiatura, Tkibuli, Tskaltubi and Ozurgeti municipalities.
In addition, Parliamentary By-elections have been held at Mtatsminda majoritarian election district in Tbilisi.