UNM Chair urges businesspersons not to sell Georgia
UNM Chair urges businesspersons not to sell Georgia

“We have the information that business people who have not yet expressed their support for the Russian Law are summoned to the Governmental Administration today. I urge them not to sell Georgia because of several days,” said Levan Khabeishvili, the United National Movement (UNM) party chair, at the briefing.

According to Levan Khabeishvili, Georgian businessmen should acknowledge that Georgia’s economy stands on the West, and their businesses are directly linked to the West.

“As we know, businessmen who have not expressed their support for the Russian Law yet are summoned to the Governmental Administration at 4 or 5 p.m. today. They want to force the business to protect Russian Law, support it and reject Europe. We have the information that the government will instruct these businessmen not to allow their family members, children, spouses, sisters, brothers, as well as their employees to join anti-transparency bill rallies. Otherwise, they would face problems.

I would tell all those business people who plan to attend today’s meeting: You should acknowledge that Georgia’s economy stands on the West. And the vast part of your businesses are directly linked to the West. You should realize that today is a decisive moment when you have to make a simple choice between Ivanishvili and Georgia, Russian Law and Europe.

Therefore, I call on all businesses: Do not sell Georgia because of several days. Because you must be sure that Georgia’s future is in Europe, the Georgian people will win, and the law, which the government sneaked, will be soon forgotten by the Georgian citizens because there will be neither this law nor the Russian regime,” he said.