Spanish Secretary of State for EU: Successful adoption of Council's conclusion, supporting enlargement process
Spanish Secretary of State for EU: Successful adoption of Council's conclusion, supporting enlargement process

We managed to adopt the Council’s conclusion on enlargement. In the opinion of the presidency, this, in itself, is a strong support for the enlargement process, and the continuing of this process is very important for the future of Europe, stated Pascual Ignacio Navarro Rios, Secretary of State for the European Union of Spain.

“The second item was conclusions on enlargement. This is, as you know, a matter of greatest importance in light of the Western Balkans summit that will take place tomorrow, and also important decisions to be taken at the upcoming European Council. After long discussions, for most of the duration of our Council, we managed to adopt the Council’s conclusion on enlargement. In the opinion of the presidency, this, in itself, is a strong support for the enlargement process, and the continuing of this process is very important for the future of Europe,” the Spanish State Secretary said.