Shalva Papuashvili: Georgian Dream is the only political force merging Europeanism and patriotism
Shalva Papuashvili: Georgian Dream is the only political force merging Europeanism and patriotism

“The Georgian Dream is the only political force merging Europeanism and patriotism”, – the Speaker, Shalva Papuashvili commented to the media when hosted by the Palitra News show in the “Free Studio”.

The Speaker responded to the statement by the Chair of the United National Movement, Nika Melia, concerning the appointment of the snap elections noting that even the opposition realizes that the “Georgian Dream” is confident to win the snap elections if appointed today.

“The incumbent Government meets two key criteria – the pro-Europeanism and patriotism. The Georgian society shall acknowledge and envision the mixture of these two important features and it is the very fact that society clearly sees in the Georgian Dream understanding that it is the only political force merging Europeanism and patriotism.

The Chair of the main opposition party was best responded by the Chair of the main opposition party himself the next day in his post, complaining that his call on the appointment of the snap elections was met with direct mockery.

I believe this idea itself is discredited since everyone is well aware of the degree of electoral support for each political force. Even they admit that if the elections are held today, the Georgian Dream will win even with a higher results; and no one even asks why.

Maybe it’s because it was the Georgian Dream that was fiercely protecting the interests of the Georgian people in this critical period teeming with security challenges. I am glad they realized that they would definitely lose the elections and they shall now ponder the reason why the Georgian people showed back to them similar to that rally when they have been pushing their radical demands”, – the Speaker stated.