President views upcoming elections as chance to break away from one-party system
President views upcoming elections as chance to break away from one-party system

Georgia’s President, Salome Zourabichvili, emphasized in an interview with RFI that the country, in its 30 years of independence, has not steered away from the one-party system. President sees the upcoming elections as an opportunity to break away from this one-party system and transition to a more democratic system characterized by a coalition rather than a single dominating party.

“Throughout its 30 years of independence, Georgia has not transitioned away from the one-party system. Despite having relatively democratic and free elections, which have generally received more positive than negative evaluations, each successive regime has gradually reverted to a single-party dominance, extending control over various institutions. The upcoming elections present an opportunity to break away from this pattern and shift towards a more democratic system, characterized by coalition-building rather than a single party winning across the board and assuming exclusive power,” the President said.