Opposition boycott cancels Economy Minister's interpellation
Opposition boycott cancels Economy Minister's interpellation

Due to the boycott announced by the parliamentary opposition, the Parliament will no longer hear from the Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, Levan Davitashvili, on May 31.

The Georgian Parliament Speaker, Shalva Papuashvili, announced at today’s Bureau session that the opposition representatives have also boycotted the interpellation process they have initiated.

“We had an interpellation scheduled with the Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development regarding the Bakhmaro issue. The interpellation was prepared by a group of seven MPs. However, since they have declared a boycott, it seems they have also boycotted their own interpellation, which will not take place. This once again demonstrates their attitude towards parliamentary work and the interests of the population they claim to represent,” said Papuashvili.

Papuashvili further explained the regulations and procedures for declaring a boycott.

“According to the regulations of the Parliament of Georgia, a boycott is valid and may be announced in connection with the consideration of a specific issue. Declaring a boycott for overall parliamentary activities or a plenary session is a certain tradition of the opposition. Now, they have reached a new peak by announcing a boycott of their own issue, their own interpellation. I believe it is a unique case in world parliamentary history, but what can we do? This is the state of the opposition today, and for all this, they will receive a severe response from the citizens of Georgia on October 26,” said Shalva Papuashvili.