NATO to step up political, practical support to Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova
NATO to step up political, practical support to Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova

A declaration adopted at NATO Madrid Summit summarized NATO’s commitment to providing “tailored political and practical support” to its ally countries, including Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Moldova.

“In light of the changed security environment in Europe, we have decided on new measures to step up tailored political and practical support to partners, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, and the Republic of Moldova. We will work with them to build their integrity and resilience, develop capabilities, and uphold their political independence. We will also enhance our capacity-building support to partners from the South,” reads the declaration.

According to the Declaration, the Summit participants gathered in Madrid to demonstrate the alliance’s unity and reaffirm the enduring transatlantic bond between its nations.

Also, NATO Madrid Summit participants adopted the 2022 NATO Strategic Concept, which reaffirms commitment to 2008 Bucharest Summit decision about Georgia and Ukraine.