Narikala Fortress among seven most endangered cultural heritage in Europe
Narikala Fortress among seven most endangered cultural heritage in Europe

The Narikala Fortress is at risk of collapse, the Tbilisi City Hall reported, citing the Advisory Panel of the 7 Most Endangered Programme.

The article published on the Programme’s official website lists the Narikala Fortress in Tbilisi among the seven most endangered cultural heritage sites in Europe.

According to the article, Narikala Fortress is one of the most prominent heritage sites attracting many tourists to the Georgian capital Tbilisi.

The fortress was first mentioned in historical records in the 4th century. Throughout the centuries, well-known European travelers, among them the famous French writer Alexander Dumas, the French artist Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin, and the British diplomat Sir John Oliver Wardrop, have visited the fortress.

In 1827, an earthquake destroyed the inner part of the fortification and severely damaged the external walls. Today, the Narikala Fortress is at risk of collapse, mainly due to lack of maintenance, hydrogeological issues in the area, and general decay.

“The main threats to the Narikala Fortress are the instability of the seismic subsoil and stress from excessive numbers of visitors. The urgent works foreseen will stabilize the ground and the enclosing walls,” the Advisory Panel of the 7 Most Endangered Programme stated.

The Tbilisi Development Fund nominated the Narikala Fortress to the 7 Most Endangered Programme 2021, approved by Tbilisi City Hall and with the support of the Georgian Arts and Culture Centre (GACC).