MP Botchorishvili: Transparency essential in strengthening democracy in EU, Georgia
MP Botchorishvili: Transparency essential in strengthening democracy in EU, Georgia

Maka Botchorishvili, Chair of the European Integration Committee, emphasized the importance of transparency as a fundamental standard for democracy, within the European Union (EU) and in Georgia.

She responded to comments made by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz regarding the absence of legislation similar to Georgia’s draft law on transparency within the EU.

“It’s evident that claims suggesting no similar laws exist across EU member states are unfounded. The European Commission has indeed crafted a directive, which is set for discussion in the European Parliament. Though pending approval, it’s currently under review. It aims to establish a framework for transparency legislation across various EU countries, including Germany, which already possesses similar laws.

Therefore, any legislation enacted in Georgia must adhere to European standards. Transparency must maintain a uniform standard across both Georgia and the EU, serving as a vital pillar of democracy.

This directive’s preparation by the European Commission underscores its seriousness. It’s a public document, accessible for scrutiny. The Commission doesn’t undertake such directives lightly. Its development signifies the commencement of a legislative process that won’t be derailed by mere slogans, as Georgia has attempted.

The European Parliament will undoubtedly deliberate on and likely adopt this bill in some form. While the exact form is uncertain, the directive will naturally uphold minimum transparency standards,” Botchorishvili declared.