MP Botchorishvili: GD strives to make progress before year-end, considers process of implementing EC's recommendations as important
MP Botchorishvili: GD strives to make progress before year-end, considers process of implementing EC's recommendations as important

Maka Botchorishvili, chair of the parliamentary European Integration Committee, stated that since the process itself is what counts, the failure of the vote to select a new public defender will not be seen as a violation of the 12-point recommendations of the European Commission.

The member of parliament claims that the ruling party wants to show the greatest extent of progress possible before the year is out.

Botchorishvili made it clear that the implementation of many issues was heavily influenced by the Venice Commission’s and OSCE/ODIHR’s opinions.

“The focus should now be on implementing the recommendations by the end of the year. The ruling team aims to demonstrate the progress,” she said.