Law and Justice party leader: Russia pitches proposal to return Abkhazia and Samachablo
Law and Justice party leader: Russia pitches proposal to return Abkhazia and Samachablo

“Russia has pitched a proposition as if it is ready to return Abkhazia and Smachablo (Tskhinvali) regions,” said Tako Charkviani, leader of the Law and Justice party.

According to Tako Charkviani, this is a decoy and few people would believe in that.

“I wrote two days ago that a highest Russian propagandist visited Georgia. In fact, this person was a high-ranking official, who was sneaked into the country. I kept one per cent of hope that this man visited Georgia for a good purpose or that the government would say that it would withdraw the law since crowds of people protested in the streets.

Russia pitched a proposition and the government has it and will make it public. This concerns the return of Samachablo and Abkhazia that will serve as a decoy for society. I don’t imagine a rational person, who would believe in this nonsense. Our territories, Abkhazia and Samachablo are occupied.
Here comes the question: if Georgia’s territories were restored, would that be under the conditions of the Soviet Union revival, under the jurisdiction of Russia, or would Georgia be threatened with total annexation?

There is a proposal introduced by Russia in Georgia. The annexation of Georgia was proposed to the authorities, and it was packaged as an attempt to return Abkhazia and Samachablo, but in reality, practically, it implies the Soviet Union restoration and post-Soviet countries unification,” said Tako Charkviani.