Interior Minister arrives in landslide-hit Shovi [Photo]
Interior Minister arrives in landslide-hit Shovi [Photo]

Vakhtang Gomelauri, the Georgian Minister of Internal Affairs, arrived in the landslide-hit Shovi resort of Oni Municipality.

The Minister inspected the disaster zone from a helicopter and got acquainted with the ongoing work and search-rescue activities in detail.

“Vakhtang Gomelauri spoke with the firemen, rescuers, and employees of the Ministry of Defense working in the disaster area and attended search and rescue events.

The Minister also held a working meeting at field headquarters. Temur Mghebrishvili, the head of the Emergency Situations Management Service, briefed him about the current situation.

Vakhtang Gomelauri met with the families of individuals who tragically lost their lives. He offered his sincere condolences to the grieving families,” the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs states.