Health Minister vows to finance Achondroplasia medicine if EU countries share responsibility
Health Minister vows to finance Achondroplasia medicine if EU countries share responsibility

Georgian Health Minister Zurab Azarashvili said Georgia would be one of the leading countries to finance the purchase of the newly-made medicine for Achondroplasia from the state budget if European states shared the responsibility.

At the meeting with parents of children diagnosed with Achondroplasia, a disorder of bone growth, the Minister inquired about the needs of the patients and provided them with the available information on Vosoritide medicine.

The Minister noted that the world’s developed countries were cautious about the Vosoritide use. The authorization of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) only applied to medicine sales and not budget funding.

Zurab Azarashvili added that the decision to finance medicines from the state budget could not be made unilaterally, so physicians and experts in this field discuss the issue based on a joint agreement.

At the meeting, Zurab Azarashvili once again confirmed the readiness of the state to finance the diagnosis and treatment of children with other concomitant diseases, both in Georgia and abroad.