Georgian FM: Georgia's future lies within EU, it has no alternative
Georgian FM: Georgia's future lies within EU, it has no alternative

Today marks Europe Day – the day when citizens of EU member and candidate countries celebrate unity and peaceful coexistence, Georgian Foreign Minister Ilia Darchiashvili stated in his message commemorating Europe Day.

“Today unites numerous countries around shared values and serves as a reminder of joint achievements in strengthening peace, fostering institutional development, promoting economic prosperity, and building an inclusive and tolerant society.

Georgia’s integration into the European Union is founded on these shared values and remains a top priority in our foreign policy. Furthermore, Georgia’s current government has enshrined joining the European Union as a constitutional obligation.

The goal of EU membership will undoubtedly be achieved. The decision to grant Georgia candidate status on December 14, 2023, marked a major advancement on this path, elevating our relationship with the EU to a new strategic level and making Georgia’s European integration process irreversible.

Georgia’s future lies within the European Union, and it has no alternative. We will continue to pursue an agenda of comprehensive, future-oriented European reforms. We are confident that Georgia’s EU integration process will be completed successfully, affirming Georgia’s status as a European democratic state.

Once again, I extend my congratulations on Europe Day, which serves as a symbol of harmonious relations, mutual respect, and cooperation between nations,” Darchiashvili wrote on the social network.