Georgia tightens speeding penalties
Georgia tightens speeding penalties

Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs came up with a legislative initiative to increase penalties for speeding. The legislative package will be submitted to the Bureau on 5 September.

According to the amendments, the driver will be fined 300 GEL instead of 150 GEL for exceeding the speed limit of 40 km/h.

If speeding causes accident circumstances, the fine will be 400 GEL instead of 300 GEL. If speeding leads to slight damage to the vehicle, cargo, road, or other structure, as well as to property or a person, the fine will be 600 GEL instead of 500 GEL.

The speeding by a driver carrying out municipal, intercity or international regular passenger transportation will result in a fine of 400 GEL instead of 300 GEL.