GD's Ionatamishvili: President's delay in signing Amnesty Bill reflects state irresponsibility
GD's Ionatamishvili: President's delay in signing Amnesty Bill reflects state irresponsibility

Rati Ionatamishvili, the Georgian Dream member, criticized the president for taking seven days to sign the recently adopted Amnesty Law, which affects nearly 1,000 prisoners and 22,000 probationers. He described this delay as a display of state irresponsibility that harms those waiting for the law’s enactment.

“Instead, the president seems to prioritize meetings with Gakharia and Khazaradze, engaging in meaningless negotiations and theatrical displays. Thousands of prisoners are depending on the president to sign this law. I wouldn’t be surprised if Salome Zourabichvili, the leader of the radical opposition, vetoes it, as she previously did while in power,” Ionatamishvili stated.