GD MP hopes Western criticism over Transparency Law to cease gradually
GD MP hopes Western criticism over Transparency Law to cease gradually

“The expectations of the radical opposition over visa-liberalization issue did not come true, but the malevolent and anti-national statements will imprint in the history,” said Rati Ionatamishvili, PM of the ruling Georgian Dream (GD) party.

The GD MP hopes that Western criticism of Transparency Law will reduce gradually.

“The criticism over transparency initiative is groundless since what is significant for the democracy protection in EU member states and Canada should not be unacceptable in Georgia. For us, the protection of democratic principles is as important as ensuring the sovereignty of our country and the security of our people. I think, over time, the rhetoric of this criticism will significantly reduce. The same happened with the European Perspective. One year on, the decision-makers admitted that they committed a mistake about Georgia. It was an unfair decision, and they had to apologize to our country and citizens,” he said.