Estonian PM: I know Georgian people chose European path, Georgia should do its homework 
Estonian PM: I know Georgian people chose European path, Georgia should do its homework 

“The main advice is that Georgia should also do their homework,” said Kaja Kallas, Prime Minister of Estonia.

According to the Estonian PM, Georgian people chose the European path which requires a lot of reforms to move forward.

“The main advice is that Georgia should also do their homework. I’m also very happy that we were able to grant a candidate status. We know from our own history that this requires a lot of political will. A lot of reforms that you have to do in order to move forward. But I know that the Georgian people have chosen the European path. We work on this. Of course, we have to do our own homework as well. Enlargement, absorption, capacities, everything in relation to that. But I think that if those countries have fulfilled the criteria, we should be ready by that time. It would be wrong to say that we are not ready if you are ready. So, I hope that that goes smoothly.

On December 14, the European Council opened EU accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova and granted EU candidate status to Georgia.