Education Ministry prepares draft document outlining general education national goals
Education Ministry prepares draft document outlining general education national goals

The new draft document outlining national goals for general education has been prepared, the Ministry of Education, Science, and Youth of Georgia reported.

The Ministry emphasizes that the document is built upon fostering a specific set of values among school students, including preservation of national identity; awareness of one’s rights and duties concerning family, society, and the state; knowledge of the state language, history, and culture of Georgia; cultivation of state thinking and patriotism; respect for ethnic and cultural diversity; high civic awareness, tolerance, and justice;
ability to live independently and make informed decisions in the modern world.

The Ministry of Education underscores this document that must be agreed upon and shared with the general public so that the school community totally agrees on these crucial principles.

After public discussion, the final version will be submitted to the Parliament for approval.