Deputy Justice Minister: Russia accountable for breaches committed during occupation
Deputy Justice Minister: Russia accountable for breaches committed during occupation

Deputy Justice Minister Beka Dzamashvili has echoed the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) decision to declare Georgia’s application against Russia on the alleged deterioration of the human rights situation along the administrative boundary line between the Government-controlled territory and its Russian-occupied territories, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as admissible.

In his explanation of the ECHR’s decision, Dzamashvili stated that the Russian Federation was responsible for all the violations it has been committing since the occupation.

He went on to say that the European Court did not consider Russia’s stances to prove it was not guilty of the aforementioned violations.

“After the numerous successes achieved so far, it has been confirmed today that the loop has closed as the Russian Federation is responsible for the breaches it committed during all periods of occupation, including before, during, and after the 2008 war,” he added.