Czech Senate recognizes Russian crimes in Ukraine as genocide
Czech Senate recognizes Russian crimes in Ukraine as genocide

The Senate of the Czech Republic recognized crimes committed by the Russian army in Ukraine as genocide of the Ukrainian people, Ukrainian Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Yevhen Perebyinis wrote on Facebook as Ukrinform reports.

“The Czech Senate has just recognized the crimes committed by the Russian army in Ukraine as genocide of the Ukrainian people. The adopted resolution also supports the Czech Republic’s continued supply of weapons to Ukraine and Ukraine’s candidate status for EU membership,” the ambassador wrote.

According to the resolution, the translated copy of which the diplomat attached to the post, the Senate strongly condemns Russia’s aggressive war against Ukraine, during which Russia is violating international conventions and international humanitarian law.

In addition, the upper house of the Czech parliament has condemned numerous Russian war crimes in Borodianka, Bucha, Irpin, and Mariupol, documented by the UN, OSCE, and international human rights organizations, which expose terror to which the population was subjected, as well as mass executions and deportations of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians.

The Senate also condemned ethnically motivated crimes against humanity, such as mass executions, disrespect for the dead, torture, rape, violence and the forcible deportation of children committed by Russia systematically and on a large scale, which is seen as manifestations of the genocide of the Ukrainian people.

Czech parliamentarians demand that Russia withdraw its troops from Ukraine and respect Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence, as well as humanitarian law, and not restrict humanitarian corridors.