Center for Infectious Diseases: Georgia likely to have Covid vaccine soon after large countries
The Head of Infectious Diseases and AIDS Centre, Tengiz Tsertsvadze, says that AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine, produced in collaboration with the University of Oxford, is the most suitable vaccine for Georgia.
According to him, there is a high probability that Georgia will become one of the first states after the large countries to receive the coronavirus vaccine.
Pfizer and Moderna are the first and second to introduce high-quality vaccines to the world market. The third vaccine is AstraZeneca’s vaccine, produced in collaboration with the University of Oxford. I do not know which vaccine will be imported, but the third one is the most suitable for Georgia. Its quality does not lag behind the first two vaccines; it has 90-95 percent effective and does not require storage at -80 degrees and -20 degrees. While, there are very few refrigerators in Georgia that provide -80 degrees, especially in the regions. Anyway, Georgia will have a quality vaccine, Tsertsvadze said.
According to the Head of Infectious Diseases and AIDS Centre, there is a very high probability that Georgia would get the Covid-19 vaccine in February-March.