CEC – Voter turnout for 12:00 was 19.41%
CEC – Voter turnout for 12:00 was 19.41%

Ana Mikeladze, Press Speaker of Central Election Commission (CEC) introduced the media with the information about the voter turnout for 12:00.

According to CEC, 681 583 voters had cast their ballots by 12:00 and the voter turnout for noon was 19.41%.

The highest voter turnout was still detected in Racha-Lechkhumi and Svaneti, lowest – Adjara region.

Mikeladze also reminded the parties involved in the elections that leading promotional activities was prohibited in the voting buildings and nobody had the right to intimidate the voters.

She also underlined that the voting was confidential and nobody had the right to disclose someone’s free choice.