CEC urges voters to verify information in unified voter list ahead of elections
CEC urges voters to verify information in unified voter list ahead of elections

On October 26, both the Parliament elections and mid-term elections for Sakrebulo will take place. Nearly 90% of voters will cast their votes using electronic technologies.

The Central Election Commission (CEC) has urged voters to verify their information in the unified voter list to ensure they know where to cast their votes.

As part of the electoral reform, the number of voters at certain polling stations has increased, leading to some stations being relocated. Voters may need to vote at a different location than in previous elections, so it is crucial for them to check their designated polling station ahead of time.

Voters have until October 8 to request any changes to their voter information.

Additionally, the CEC has made the unified voter list accessible in Azerbaijani and Armenian for voters living in regions with large ethnic minority populations.

Those displaced from occupied Georgian territories will be listed based on their actual place of residence, as per the CEC’s database and identity records.