CEC: Unfounded and damaging statements circulating domestically, internationally
CEC: Unfounded and damaging statements circulating domestically, internationally

“There have been recent instances of unfounded and damaging statements circulating domestically and internationally. These statements cast doubt on the integrity and impartiality of the election administration, despite our adherence to principles of independence and fairness,” the Central Election Commission (CEC) has issued a statement.

“Such baseless accusations not only undermine the credibility of the election administration but also erode public trust in the electoral process as a whole. In a polarized election environment, these statements contribute to misinformation and misconceptions, ultimately harming the integrity of the elections.

It is essential to recognize that our efforts are dedicated to ensuring political neutrality and preventing undue influence in the electoral process. Objective support from all stakeholders is crucial in maintaining a fair and transparent electoral environment,” the statement reads.

The CEC calls on involved parties and representatives of local and international organizations to maintain objectivity and impartiality, facilitating fair and transparent elections.

Additionally, the election administration reaffirms its readiness for public meetings with relevant parties to provide detailed information about its activities for the October 26 elections.