CEC discusses election preparation with ODIHR representatives
CEC discusses election preparation with ODIHR representatives

The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Georgia Tuesday met with representatives from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) to discuss the preparation process for the upcoming October 26, 2024, elections.

The meeting highlighted the integration of electronic technologies, a comprehensive information campaign, voter education, and the various challenges faced by the election administration.

According to the CEC’s press office, CEC Chairman Giorgi Kalandarishvili provided an in-depth overview of the advancements and benefits of utilizing large-scale technology in the electoral process. He detailed ongoing voter education initiatives and the extensive activities undertaken to ensure the smooth administration of the elections.

Kalandarishvili also addressed the efforts made towards certifying potential members of the Precinct Election Commission.

Kalandarishvili reaffirmed the CEC’s commitment to collaborate closely with the ODIHR mission, emphasizing the significance of continuous communication and cooperation.

“The support and supervision provided by ODIHR is invaluable for the election administration. We are focused on transparency and are open to constructive feedback that will help us improve our practices,” he stated.