Archil Talakvadze: Each story and fate of soldiers associated with August War is example of what the devotion to the homeland means
Each story and the fate of each soldier associated with the August War is an example to us and our children of what the devotion to the homeland means, – stated Archil Talakvadze, the Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia at the Mukhatgverdi Cemetery of Military Service Brothers.
As Archil Talakvadze notes everything must be done to prevent any war in our country.
“We paid tribute to the memory of our heroes. We extended our condolences to the families. Each story and the fate of each soldier associated with the August war is an example to us and our children of what the devotion to the homeland means. We must do everything to prevent a recurrence of the war in the future, to ensure peace and security in our country. That was the dream of these people for which they sacrificed themselves. Their children and families deserve peace and security. I am confident that Georgia will be able to build a better future. We will gain victory with peace in this war”, – stated Archil Talakvadze.