EU Ambassador: We introduced sanctions, expect countries aspiring to join EU to follow same approach
EU Ambassador: We introduced sanctions, expect countries aspiring to join EU to follow same approach

EU Ambassador to Georgia, Pawel Herczynski, states that the European Union has introduced sanctions and expects that all countries, particularly those aspiring to join the EU and like-minded nations, will adopt a similar approach.

Herczynski responded to journalists’ questions about concerns raised by some Georgian media outlets about the construction of a four-lane highway on a road connecting Georgia to Russia.

“We have seen over and over again what is the position of the European Union when it comes to contacts with Russia, flights with Russia and when it comes to Russian tourists. Since the beginning of the brutal unjustified and unprovoked full-scale invasion of Russia.

We collectively have decided to limit movements, to limit contacts. We are really sorry for this. We didn’t want this to happen. But we needed to act. The only way to make sure this war ends as quickly as possible is to put pressure on Russia and also to make sure that Russia pays a very heavy price for its continued horrible and horrendous actions in Ukraine.

This is why we have introduced sanctions. This is why it’s very difficult for Russians to come to Europe, and we would expect everyone, all international community and especially like-minded countries and especially countries who wants to join the European Union to follow the same approach,” EU Ambassador declared.