Tag: Politics

US State Department released statement on Russia's Violations of Georgian Sovereignty
Irakli Kobakhidze - We need solid arguments for rejecting the initiative presented by the Public Broadcaster
Irakli Kobakhidze - We did not hear enough arguments proving the inefficiency of the amendments to the Law on Broadcasting
Vano Zardiashvili on drug policy
Maja Gojković - Serbia supports Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity
Justin Trudeau - Tbilisi… was a wonderful visit when I was a kid
Irakli Lekvinadze appointed as business ombudsman
Ministry of Defense prepared a new concept of the reserve system
Angela Merkel: We need to take more responsibility
Drugs Policy liberalization discussed at Parliamentary Healthcare Committee
Giorgi Kakhiani – Date of President’s annual speech in parliament to be agreed
Gigi Tsereteli holds meetings in Kiev
Clive Johnstone: We consider Georgia as being an important partner
Giorgi Kvirikashvili – Occupation of historic territories is a big problem
Andrejs Mamikins – We should give new perspective to Georgian people
Natalie Sabanadze: Suspension Mechanism for Georgia not to be discussed
International Olympic Committee will send a group of experts to study development of mountain resorts in Georgia
Government presented legislative package on pension accumulation system
Germany increases financial aid for NATO-Georgia package
Thomas Bach -  We welcome your initiatives promoting sports and Olympic values ​​in Georgia