Tag: Politics

Nikol Pashinyan: Relations between Georgia and Armenia should not be based on geopolitical influences [video]
Irakli Kobakhidze: Russian propaganda is disturbing
Irakli Kobakhidze - President's Palace should be in compliance with his role and function
Reorganization begins at Governmental Administration
US calls for halting detention of Georgian citizens at occupational line
Road Map concept about integration into EU approved
Giorgi Kvirkashvili: Most important task is to create safe learning environment, free from violence
Irakli Kobakhidze hosted members of US delegation
Georgia ranked the 4th place in Westernization Index 2018
Kakha Kaladze: We are Europeans with our worldview, diverse culture, past, history
Giorgi Margvelashvili - Europe will be further strengthened when Georgia joins European Union
Janos Herman – There are few countries where gold stars on EU flag feel at home
Giorgi Kvirikashvili asks youngsters not to be indifferent toward any problem
Giorgi Kvirikashvili – Our main goal is to equalize living level in different regions
Forum of “Institutional Dialog of State and Local Authorities” in Akhaltsikhe
US Congress delegation welcomes carries out reforms in Georgia
European Days to be opened with solemn activity at Rike Park
Pikria Chikhradze responds to the statement of Parliament Speaker
Head of the State Security Service met Public Defender
Irakli Kobakhidze: Situation not changed in terms of the attendance, accordingly changes in the regulations will be considered