Vladimir Constantinidi - Putin-Khajimba meeting grossly ignores fundamental norms of international law
Vladimir Constantinidi - Putin-Khajimba meeting grossly ignores fundamental norms of international law

Russia’s action is directed against Georgia’s statehood, sovereignty and territorial integrity and grossly ignores the fundamental norms of international law, – spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, Vladimir Constantinidi, said when commenting on the scheduled meeting between the leaders of the Russian Federation and the occupation regime of Sokhumi.

Vladimir Constantinidi assessed the meeting as another attempt to legitimize the occupation regime and emphasized the international community’s support for Georgia’s sovereignty.

“On the eve of the 11th anniversary of the Russian-Georgian war, Vladimir Putin’s meeting with the leader of the occupation regime of Sokhumi is another illegal attempt to legitimize the occupation regimes and its control over the occupied regions.

Despite Russia’s similar efforts, the international community will never tolerate the illegal occupation of Georgia’s inseparable regions. The international community strongly supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia and the non-recognition policy of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which we can clearly see in public statements and documents of individual countries and international organizations, as well as in their active steps to promote a peaceful resolution of the conflict,” Constantinidi said.