Vice PM: Sanctions are unacceptable, dialogue with strategic allies is key to resolving all matters
Vice PM: Sanctions are unacceptable, dialogue with strategic allies is key to resolving all matters

The Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, Levan Davitashvili, addressed questions about potential sanctions during a briefing at the government administration. He emphasized the importance of dialogue with strategic partners.

“We have a complex dialogue with our partners, encompassing significant cooperation in various areas. This makes us believe we can find common ground on different issues. Sanctions are unacceptable and damaging; they do not signify partnership. We believe we can resolve all matters through dialogue with our strategic partners and friends,” said Davitashvili.

The First Vice-Prime Minister pointed out that some opposition figures and media seem to support the imposition of sanctions on specific Georgian citizens, which he finds regrettable.

“The EU comprises many countries, political groups, and priorities, making the process complex. The recent European Parliament elections highlight this complexity. However, I am confident we will find a resolution through extended dialogue. Georgia has proven to be a reliable partner of the European Union, especially in enforcing international sanctions,” Davitashvili stated.

He acknowledged that while there may be differences in opinion, there is a clear and positive cooperation between Georgia and the EU. He remains hopeful that common sense will prevail and no sanctions will be imposed.

“We will find a solution by agreeing on cooperation formats that benefit the European Union and Georgia. I truly hope there will be no sanctions,” concluded Levan Davitashvili.