Vashadze: U.S. Ambassador cared more about interests of Georgia than ruling party
Vashadze: U.S. Ambassador cared more about interests of Georgia than ruling party

“U.S. Ambassador cared more about the interests of Georgia than the ruling political power,” says the opposition Strategy Agmashenebeli leader Giorgi Vashadze, noting that “there are forces in Georgia that want to hinder EU integration and spread Russian disinformation.”

“This force is the Georgian Dream, waging anti-Western campaigns and spreading disinformation. Personally, Kelly Degnan has been repeatedly attacked by Georgian Dream members, their troll-bots, and satellites for fighting against Russian disinformation,” he went on.

Vashadze thanked outgoing Ambassador Kelly Degnan for her work. “She was actively involved in all the dire issues that troubled our country.”

“We should thank the US ambassador as, despite personal attacks on her, the Georgian Dream could not spoil US-Georgia relations. As soon as we get rid of the Russian “Georgian Dream,” we will immediately give these strategic partners the great perspective that Georgians crave,” Vashadze continued.