US Congressional delegation starts meetings in Georgia 
US Congressional delegation starts meetings in Georgia 

Today, the US Congressional delegation will kick-off meetings with the Georgian officials.

The US delegation includes Congressmen Alex Mooney (West Virginia), Bryan Steil (Wisconsin), Kelly Armstrong (North Dakota), Carol Miller (West Virginia), and Ron Estes (Kansas).

Congressman Alex Mooney believes Georgia is doing great things with elections and forming a democratic form of government, “they’re allies of the United States of America and we appreciate that.”

“I was here two years ago on a trip and I was happy to talk to some of my colleagues about coming to show the US support for the country of Georgia. And, last but not least, we certainly are concerned about Russia and the aggression that Russia has shown in Georgia. So we want to show our support for the country and, and thank them for a good relationship,” Alex Mooney stated.

Congressman Carol Miller said, “it’s so important for the United States to show their support for another democracy in this part of the world.”

“I’m so excited to be in this beautiful country.  And you all have been a partner with us for many years now. It’s important that we show our strength for your sovereignty as a country and the support that you have given us in many ways. I look forward to talking to people here about trade and all the important things that we can do between our two countries,” Carol Miller declared.

Congressman Bryan Steil stated that the relationships between the United States of America and Georgia are very important “from a standpoint of looking at trade, looking at the issues that go on in the world.”

“This part of the world is obviously there’s a lot of things happening. So it’s great to have a country like Georgia that partners with the United States on so many things, whether it’s fighting terrorism or aspirations of being with NATO and then also concerns with Russia and the activities that they’re doing that particularly affect the country here,” Bryan Steil said.

For Congressman Kelly Armstrong “it’s a fantastic opportunity to get here and to see how the fairly new government in this part of the world works.”

“And I’m particularly interested in figuring out Georgia has done a great job of becoming a much more business-friendly climate over the last 20 years. And really interesting to hear about how that works and how the government deals with that. And then just really excited to be here,” Kelly Armstrong noted.

Congressman Ron Estes added that he is “excited to learn more about the country of Georgia and to be here. It’s an important relationship between the country of Georgia and the United States of America, trade, all sorts of economic issues to be discussed.”